Електронний посібник



Part I


1. From the History of Building

2. Some Facts about Building Materials

3. Brick

4. Cement

5. Concrete

6. Prestressed Concrete

7. Metals, Glass and Plastics as Building Materials

8. Plastics all over the World

9. Plastics from Italy

10. From the History of Civil Engineering

11. Civil Engineering

12. Construction work

13. Parts of a Building

14. Art of building


1. From the History of Building

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


Many thousands of years ago there were no houses such as people live in today. In hot countries people sometimes made their homes in the trees and used leaves to protect themselves from rain or sun. In colder countries they dwelt in caves. Later people left their caves and trees and began to build houses of different materials such as mud, wood or stones.

Later people found out that bricks made of mud and dried in the hot sunshine became almost as hard as stones. In ancient Egypt especially, people learned the use of these sun-dried mud bricks. Some of their buildings are still standing after several thousands of years.

The ancient Egyptians discovered how to cut stone for building purposes. They erected temples, palaces and huge tombs. The greatest tomb is the stone pyramid of Khufu, King of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians often erected their huge buildings without thinking of their usefulness.

The ancient Greeks also understood the art of building with cut stone, and their buildings were beautiful as well as useful. They often used pillars, partly for supporting the roofs and partly for decoration. Parts of these ancient buildings can still be seen today in Greece.

During the last hundred years many new methods of building have been discovered. One of the most recent discoveries is the usefulness of steel as a building material.

Nowadays when it is necessary to have a very tall building, the frame of it is first built in steel and then the building is completed in concrete. Concrete is an artificial kind of stone, much cheaper than brick or na­tural stone and much stronger than they are.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


dwell – жити

cave – печера

to build – будувати

mud – бруд

wood – деревина

stone – каміння

brick – цегла

to dry – сушити

to cut stone – різати каміння

building purposes – будівельні цілі

to erect – зводити, споруджувати

temple – храм

huge tombs – величезні гробниці

ancient – древній

art of building – мистецтво будівництва

pillar – колона

roof – дах

discovery – відкриття

frame – каркас

concrete – бетон

artificial – штучний

cheap – дешевий



III. Choose the correct variant and complete the sentences:


1. People first lived in ... (a) houses, b) palaces, c) trees or caves).

2. Egyptian pyramids are made of (a) stone, b) wood, c) bricks).

3. The cheapest building material is … (a) wood, b) bricks, c) concrete).

4. The ancient Greeks knew the art of building with ... (a) steel, b) cut stone, c) concrete).

5. Nowadays very tall and huge buildings are made of ... (a) steel and concrete, b) bricks,

c) stone).


IV. Complete the following sentences:


1. The ancient Greeks used pillars for ... .

2. We usually make houses of ... .

3. Bricks are made of … .

4. The ancient Egyptians made their homes of ... .


V. Complete the following sentences:


1. Where did people live many thousands of years ago?

2. Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build their houses?

3. What kinds of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect?

4. What did the ancient Greeks use pillars for?

5. Is steel used as a building material?

6. What kinds of building materials do you know?


IV. Watch the video:



A brief history of Building construction | A timeline of major changes in the Building industry



2. Some Facts about Building Materials

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


Humanity has accumulated a lot of building materials which have evolved thanks to the eternal need for construction.

The main building materials are timber, stone brick, concrete, steel, light metals, glass and plastics. Timber was one of the first materials to be used by man for constructional purposes. It is highly probable that it will be one of the last. Timber is unique among the materials of construction. It will be available when the earth's capital deposits of iron, coal, clay and the rest have been consumed. The buildings made of stone or brick are durable and fireproof, they have a poor heat conductivity.

Concrete made with natural hydraulic binders was used in antiquity, particularly by the Romans. After the decline of the Roman Empire the art of making concrete has been forgotten, and the revival came much later. Concrete may be considered an artificial conglomerate of crushed stone, gravel or similar inert material with a mortar. A mixture of sand, screenings or similar inert particles with cement and water which has the capacity of hardening into a rocklike mass is called mortar.

The fundamental object in proportioning concrete or mortar mixes is the production of a durable material of requisite strength, water tightness and other essential properties at minimum cost. To attain this end careful attention must be given to the selection of cement, aggregate and water.

Reinforced concrete is hardly 100 years old. Today it is used in all civilized countries as one of the most important building materials. One of the essential properties of concrete is its compressive strength.

Portland cement was produced more than a century ago. From the time of its first production there was a steady and gradual improvement in its compressive strength.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


timber – деревина

plastics – пластмаси

iron – залізо

coal – вугілля

clay – глина

durable – довговічний, міцний

fireproof – вогнетривкий

heat conductivity – теплопровідність

hydraulic binder – гідравлічна в'яжуча речовина

artificial – штучний

crushed stone – щебінь

gravel – гравій

mortar – будівельний розчин

sand – пісок

screenings – висівки, відсів

water tightness – водонепроникність

aggregate – заповнювач

кeinforced concrete – залізобетон

compressive strength – міцність на стискання


III. Complete the following sentences:


1. The first building material was ____ .

2. Buildings made of stone are ____ .

3. Mortar is made of ____ .

4. Concrete is made of ____ .


IV. Read and copy the statements. Mark with «+» if the statement is true and with «-» if the statement is false.:


1. Concrete was one of the first building materials people used for construction.

2. Mortar is a soft substance consisting of sand, screenings and cement mixed with water.

3. If we have in mind to produce a high-quality concrete, we must think about its main components: cement, aggregate and water – about their quality and quantity as well.

4. Portland cement has a long history of its gradual development.


V. Watch the video:



Introduction to Building Materials





3. Brick

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


A brick is best described as “a building unit”. It may be made of burnt clay, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and, other materials; in shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from ½ 6 to 9 lb.

The shape and convenient size of a brick enables a man to grip it with an easy confidence and, because of this, brick-building has been popular for many hundreds of years. The hand of the average man is large enough to take a brick and he is able to handle more than 500 bricks in an eight-hour working day.

It is necessary, therefore, for the “would-be” bricklayer to practice handling a brick until he can control it with complete mastery and until he is able to place it into any desired position.

By placing the hand over the surface of the upper part of a brick and by placing the thumb centrally down the face of the brick with the first joints of the fingers on the opposite face, the brick may be securely handled. It is necessary to protect the thumb and the fingers with leather pads which also prevent the skin from rough bricks.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


building unit – будівельна одиниця

burnt clay – обпалена глина

concrete – бетон

mortar – будівельний розчин

sawdust – тирса

shape – форма

rectangular – прямокутний

weight – вага


size – розмір

brick-building – цегляне будівництво

to handle – укладати

“would-be” – майбутній

bricklayer – муляр

handling a brick – кладка цегли

leather pads – шкіряні рукавички


III. Answer the following questions:


1. What materials is brick made of?

2. Why brick-building has been popular for many hund­reds of years?

3. What is the shape of a brick?

4. What is the brick's weight?


IV. Translate the word combinations from English into Ukrainian:


the shape and size of a brick; with an easy confidence; the width of a brick; with complete mastery; to place a brick into a desired position.


V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:


1. A brick can be made burnt clay.

2. Brick-building has been popular for many hundreds of years.

3. A "would-be" bricklayer must practice handling a brick until he can control it with complete mastery.

4. A bricklayer is able to place a brick into any desired position.

5. The bricklayer's thumb and the fingers must be protected with leather pads.



I. Match the words to make word combinations and translate them:


Compressive                     clay

Reinforced                        a brick

Portland                           conductivity

Heat                                 stone

Leather                             tightness

Cut                                   pads

Handling                           concrete

Building                            cement

Water                               unit

Burnt                                strength


II. Complete the following sentences:


1. The cheapest building material is ___.

2. The ancient people lived in ___.

3. Concrete is made of ___.

4. Mortar consists of ___.

5. Brick is made of ___.

6. The first building material was ___.


III. Name (Name 6 natural and 6 artificial building materials):



4. Cement

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


The requirements to be fulfilled by concrete vary to a great extent. One of the essential properties of concrete is its compressive strength. From the time of its first production more than a century ago there was a steady and gradual improvement in the compressive strength of Portland cement until the beginning of the war.

Portland cement is a product obtained by mixing and then burning two raw materials, the one composed largely of lime and the other of material containing silica, alumina and iron. The two raw materials are ground and mixed to give definite proportions of lime, silica, alumina and iron oxide. The finished product should receive no addition other than gypsum. Portland cement can to some extent be modified to suit a particular application. It has led to the development of an increasing variety such as high alumina cement and puzzolanas.

With the cements now available much higher strengths can be obtained than some 60 years ago. The increase in strength is partly due to the increased fineness to which modern cements are ground. Cement develops heat during hydration. This is of considerable importance in certain types of concrete construction, particularly in structures of large volume, such as dams, massive retaining walls and the like. A very high rate of heat development is advantageous in work done in cold weather, so as to protect the fresh concrete from the effect of low temperatures.

Selection of the cement alone does not ensure concrete with the properties desired, which depend also on the choice of aggregates and mixes, the control of the quantity of water added to the mix, and on a series of other factors. It should be noted that cement is the most important component of concrete.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


compressive strength – міцність на стиск

raw material – сировина

lime – вапно

silica – кремнезем

alumina – глинозем

iron – залізо

grind (ground, ground) – розмолоти

gypsum – гіпс

modify – змінюватись

high alumina cement – цемент з високим вмістом глинозему

puzzolanaпуцолан (цемент)

strength – міцність

fineness – тонкість

structures of large volume – великомаштабні конструкції

dams – дамби

aggregate – заповнювач

quantity – кількість

retaining wall – опорна стіна


III. Read and copy the statements. Mark with «+» if the statement is true and with «-» if the statement is false:


1. Since its invention time Portland cement had been evolving the compressive strength until the beginning of the war.

2. High alumina cement and puzzolanas aren't the modifications of Portland cement which have some particular qualities.

3. Modern cements can be ground now perfectly well which results partly in the increase in their strength.

4. If you want to prepare a high-quality concrete, choose the best cement you have. Don't bother about any aggregates and mixes and some other factors.


IV. Complete the table:


Advantages of cement

Disadvantages of cement






5. Concrete

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


It is difficult to imagine modern structure without concrete. Concrete is the very building material which led to great structural innovations. The most important quality of concrete is its property to be formed into large and strong monolithic units. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, aggregate and water. Cement is the most essential and important material for making concrete of high quality. Cement is made of limestone and clay. It is burnt at high temperature and ground up into powder. Depending on the kind and composition of the raw materials different types of cement are obtained. Portland cement, blast furnace cement are suitable for putting up marine structures.

Concrete is made by mixing cement, water, sand and gravel in the right amount. As soon as it is thoroughly mixed it is poured into forms that hold it in place until it hardens. Cement starts hardening one hour after the water has been added and the process of hardening lasts for about twenty-eight days. The process is called concrete curing.

The characteristics of concrete depend upon the quality of the materials used, grading of the aggregates, proportioning and amount of water. The most important requirements for concrete are: it should be strong, hard, durable, fire-resistant and economical. Concrete may be divided into two classes: mass or plain concrete and reinforced concrete where it is necessary to introduce steel. Plain concrete can be used for almost all kinds of buildings. Reinforced concrete is used for building bridges and arches, dams and dock-walls, for under-water structures, for foundations, columns, beams and so on.

At present two types of new building materials are successfully used by our builders: alkali-slag concrete and silica concrete. Silica concrete is light, acid-proof and contains no cement. It is widely used in aviation and in under water constructions.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


innovation – нововведення

quality – якість

property – властивість

monolithic units – монолітні блоки

aggregate – заповнювач

limestone – вапняк

clay – глина

powder – порошок

blast furnace cement – доменний цемент

marine structures – морські споруди

sand – пісок

gravel – гравій

harden – затвердіти

concrete curing – тужавіння бетону

grading – сорт

requirements – вимоги

durable – довговічний

to grind up (ground, ground) – розмолоти

fire- resistant – вoгнетривкий

plain concrete – простий бетон

reinforced concrete – залізобетон

bridge – міст

arches – арки

dams – дамби

under-water structures – підводні споруди

foundation – фундамент

column – колона

beam – балка

alkali-slag concrete – глиноземний шлакобетон

silica concrete – кремнеземний бетон

acid-proof – кислотостійкий







III. Read and copy the statements. Mark with «+» if the statement is true and with «-» if the statement is false:


1. You need cement, aggregate and water to make concrete.

2. Cement starts hardening twenty-eight hours after the water has been added.

3. Builders use reinforced concrete while erecting all kinds of structures.

4. Reinforced concrete as well as silica concrete can be used in under water constructions.


IV. Complete and remember the following sentences:


1. The most important quality of concrete is ….

2. The basic materials for making concrete are ….

3. Cement is ….

4. Cement is made of ….

5. Cement starts hardening ….

6. The process of hardening is called ….

7. Concrete should be ….

8. Concrete may be divided into two classes ….

9. Plain concrete can be used for ….

10. Reinforced concrete is used for ….

11. At present two types of concrete are used ….

12. Silica concrete is ….


V. Link testing:



VI. Watch the presentation: Concrete



6. Prestressed Concrete

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


Prestressed concrete is not a new material. Its successful use has been developed rapidly during, the last two decades, chiefly because steel of a more suitable character has been produced.

Concrete is strong in compression but weak when used for tensile stresses.

If, therefore, we consider a beam made of plain concrete, and spanning a certain distance, it will at once be realised that the beamn’s own weight will cause the beam to "sag" or bend. This sagging at once puts the lower, edge of the beam in tension, and if the cross-sectional area is small, causes it to break, especially if the span is relatively large.

If, on the other hand, we use a beam of similar cross-section, but incorporate steel bars in the lower portion, the steel will resist the tensile stress derived from the sag of the beam, and thus assist in preventing it from breaking.

In prestressed concrete steel is not used as reinforcement, but as a means of producing a suitable compressive stress in the concrete. Therefore any beam (or member) made of prestressed concrete is permanently under compression, and is consequently devoid of cracks-under normal loading, or so long as the "elastic limit" is not exceeded.

Prestressed concrete is not only used for beams but is now employed extensively for columns, pipes, and cylindrical water-towers, storage tanks, etc.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


prestressed concrete – попередньо напружений залізобетон

strong in compression – міцний на стиск

weak for tensile stresses – слабкий на розтяг

beam – балка

to span – з’єднувати

weight – вага

to sag – прогинатися, осідати

to bend – згинатися

sagging – провисання

cross-sectional area – площа поперечного перерізу

a span – проліт, відрізок

to incorporate – додавати, вводити

steel bars – металеві стержні

reinforcement – підсилення

crack – тріщина

loading – навантаження

elastic limit – межа пружності

pipe – труба

water tower – водонапірна вежа

storage tank – резервуар для зберігання



III. Choose the correct variant and complete the sentences:


1. Prestressed concrete is ... (a) a completely mw building material, (b) not really a new material.

2. The successful use of prestressed concrete has been developed rapidly ... (a) long ago, (b) during the last two decades.

3. Plain concrete is ... (a) strong in compression, (b) weak in compression.

4. Plain concrete is …. (a) weak when used for tensile stress, (b) strong when used for tensile stress.

5. In prestressed concrete steel is used ... (a) as reinforcement, (b) as a means of producing a suitable compressive stress.

6. Prestressed concrete is used ... (a) only for beams, (b) for beams, columns, pipes, etc.


IV. Complete the following sentences:


1. Prestressed concrete has been used during ... .

2. Plain concrete is strong in ... .

3. The sagging of a beam made of plain concrete may cause it to ... .

4. Incorporated steel bars in the lower portion of a beam prevent ... .

5. A beam made of prestressed concrete is permanently under ... .

6. Prestressed concrete is now employed extensively for ... .


V. Answer the following questions:

1. Is prestressed concrete a new building material?

2. How long has prestressed concrete been used in construction?

3. What disadvantages has plain concrete?

4. What is steel used in prestressed concrete for?

5. What will happen if "elastic limit" of a beam is exceeded?

6. What is prestressed concrete used for?


7. Metals, Glass and Plastics as Building Materials

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


The history of building in iron and steel is hardly more than a hundred years old. The construction of the first railways has given considerable impetus to cast and wrought iron production. The commonest quality of steel for building construction is that known as mild steel (m.s.). Several qualities of high tensile steel are widely used everywhere. They vary both in their chemical composition and their mechanical properties. The elements used for most steel structures are the hot-rolled sections, produced in a great variety by the rolling mills.

Aluminum is the most important of the light metals used in the building industry. Magnesium is still lighter, but it has not yet become a building material. It is only used as an alloying metal in conjunction with aluminum. The major characteristics of aluminum in which the architect is interested are its durability and its light weight.

Glass is now generally employed in the construction of industrial buildings, office blocks and schools. In recent years it has eclipsed all other materials for heat and sound insulation purposes.

Plastics are a new building material. Nearly all the plastics are compounds of such simple elements as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes nitrogen. The characteristics of the various plastics depend upon the way in which these elements are combined. Plastics are used where the older materials are not satisfactory, or for the development of entirely new uses. Since plastics combine all the fine characteristics of a building material together with good insulating properties, and are fireproof as well, it is no wonder that the architects and engineers have turned to them to add color and beauty to modern homes and offices.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


iron – залізо

railway – залізниця

impetus – поштовх

cast iron – чавун

wrought iron - пудлінгове залізо, коване залізо

quality – якість

mild steel – м’яка сталь

high-tensile steel – сталь із високим опором на розрив

vary – відрізнятися

chemical composition – хімічний склад

mechanical properties – механічні властивості

hot-rolled section – гарячопрокатна сортова сталь

rolling mill – прокатний стан

alloying metal – легований

aluminum – алюміній

magnesium – магній

conjunction – поєднання

durability – довговічність

glass – скло

eclipse – затьмарити

sound insulation – звукоізоляція

plastics – пластмаси

use – використання

fireproof – вогнетривкий






III. Read and copy the statements. Mark with «+» if the statement is true and with «-» if the statement is false:


1. People began to use iron and steel for construction more than three hundred years ago.

2. The rolling mills produce a lot of hot-rolled sections, because they are necessary for most steel structures nowadays.

3. Plastics, a new building material, cannot have nitrogen in their composition.

4. Plastics have impressed the builders with a number of good properties and they are now being used for construction.


IV. Fill in the table with characteristics of building materials:


Properties of building materials

Iron and steel

















V. Match the words to make word combinations and translate them:


1. wrought

a. metal

2. mild

b. weight

3. light

c. mills

4. insulating

d. steel

5. alloying

e. iron

6. rolling

f. elements

7. chemical

g. plastics

8. simple

h. properties

9. various

i. composition


VI. Watch the video:


Building Materials



8. Plastics all over the World

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


Nowadays plastics can be applied to almost every branch of building, from the laying of foundation to the final coat of paint.

A lot of decorative plastics now available has brought about a revolution in interior and exterior design. But plastics are used now not only for decoration. These materials are sufficiently rigid to stand on their own without any support. They can be worked with ordinary builders’ tools.

Laminate is a strong material manufactured from many layers of paper or textile impregnated with thermosetting resins. This sandwich is then pressed and subjected to heat. Laminate has been developed for both inside and outside use. It resists severe weather conditions for more than ten years without serious deformation. As a structural material it is recommended for exterior work. Being used for surfacing, laminate gives the tough surface.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


foundation – фундамент

rigid – жорсткий

support – опора

builders’ tools – будівельні інструменти

laminate – ламінат

thermosetting resins – термореактивна смола

sandwich – шар


III. Choose the correct variant, complete and copy the sentences:


1. Plastics can be applied ... (a) only in radio engineering, b) to almost every branch of building).

2. Decorative plastics has brought about ... (a) some advantages, b) (a revolution in interior and exterior design).

3. Plastics are used ... (a) only for decoration, b) are sufficiently rigid to stand on their own without any support).

4. Laminate has been developed for ... (a) only inside use, b) only outside use, c) both inside and outside use).

5. Laminate is impregnated with ... (a) thermosetting resins, b) rubber).

6. The sandwich is pressed and subjected ... (a) to cold, b) to heat),

7. The laminate gives ... (a) a mild surface, b) tough surface).


VI. Answer the following questions:

1. Where can plastics be applied?

2. What advantages do plastics offer?

3. What can plastics be used for except decoration?

4. What does plastic material consist of?

5. What for is plastics recommended as a structural material?



9. Plastics from Italy

І. Read and translate the text in a written form:


"Colorplast" factory in Rovigo (Italy) manufactures three main products: panels, window frames and door frames.

The rigid, extruded Polyvinylchloride (PVC) panels are made in a large range of sizes, suitable for every kind of use. They are very strong, indeformable and are extremely easy to assemble and disassemble. For this reason they are of particular interest for architects and builders.

The second group of "Colorplast" products are ready-to-mount window frames, made of rigid PVC. They are completely draught-proof, waterproof, fireproof and sound absorbent, indeformable, easy to install, economic and do not require maintenance. Moreover, they are available with different types of openings in varying sizes and are designed to meet any specific requirement.

FinallyColorplast produces patented internal laminated plastic melamine doors. They are made up of laminated panels with honey-comb filling, finished with rigid PVC borders.

The doorposts are made of wood with a laminated plastic finish.


ІІ. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


frame – рама

ready-to-mount – заводського виробництва

draught-proof – протягостійкий

waterproof – водостійкий

fireproof – вогнетривкий

to install – встановлювати

maintenance – догляд, обслуговування

doorposts – відкоси



III. Answer the following questions:

1. What products does "Colorplast" factory manufacture?

2. What are PVC panels suitable for?

3. Why are PVC panels of particular interest to architects and builders?

4. What are window frames made of?

5. What are doorposts made of?


ІV. Translate the word combinations from English into Ukrainian:


are made in a large range of sizes; the rigid, extruded PVC panels; are completely water-proof, fire-proof and sound absorbent; easy to install; do not require maintenance; are designed to meet any special requirement


V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:


1. This factory« manufactures panels.

2. The PVC panels are extremely easy to assemble and disassemble.

3. The panels are made in a large range of sizes.

4. The ready-to-mount window frames are made of rigid PVC.

5. The window frames are completely waterproof and do not require maintenance.


10. From the History of Civil Engineering

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


It is known that the part played by civil engineers in pioneering work and in developing wide areas of the world has been and continue to be enormous.

Civil engineering was not distinguished from other branches of engineering until 200 years ago. This term was first used to distinguish the work of the engineer with a non-military purpose from military engineering. Most early engineers were considered to be engaged in construction of fortifications. They were responsible for building the roads and bridges required for the movement of troops and supplies.

We believe the Roman armies of occupation in Europe to have had brilliant engineers. After the collapse of the Roman Empire there was little progress in communications. It was only with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the invention of steam engine and realization of the potentialities in the use of iron that it revived. Roads, canals, railways, ports, harbours and bridges are supposed to be built then by engineers who called themselves "civil" in contrast to military engineers. This may have emphasized the value of their work to the community.

The scope of civil engineering becoming very broad, it is subdivided nowadays into such kinds as construction (all kinds of buildings), highways and railways engineering, hydraulic engineering (canals, dams, drainage and irrigation systems) and municipal engineering (city planning, traffic regulation, water supply, and sewerage).

The term "structural engineering" means particularly the calculation and design of all kinds of structures whose strength is mostly provided by steel, reinforced, prestressed or precast concrete, or other alloys. This work involves a great deal of mathematics and consultations from several different professions.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


branch – галузь, сфера

engineering – будівництво

non-military – невійськовий

military – військовий

fortification – укріплення

road – дорога

bridge – міст

supplies – постачання

collapse – занепад

steam engine – паровий двигун

railway – залізниця


scope – обсяг

highway – магістраль

drainage system – дренажна система

irrigation system – зрошувальна система

municipal engineering – містобудування

water supply – водопостачання

sewerage – каналізація

strength – міцність

precast concrete – збірний бетон (литий)

alloys – сплави


III. Read the question and choose the correct answer:


Concrete was one of the first building What branches is civil engineering subdivided into?

1. It is subdivided into architectural design and municipal engineering.

2. It is subdivided into rural and municipal engineering.

3. It is subdivided into construction, highway and railway engineering, hydraulic engineering and municipal engineering.

4. It is subdivided into industrial and rural engineering.


IV. Complete the sentences with the correct word or word combination and translate them:


hydration, insulation, plastics, modified, compressive strength, raw materials, monolithic units, concrete, reinforced concrete, concrete curing, aggregate, limestone

1. In recent years glass has eclipsed all other materials for heat and sound … purposes.

2. Nearly all the … are compounds of such simple elements as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes nitrogen.

3. One of the essential properties of concrete is its ….

4. Portland cement is a product obtained by mixing and then burning two …., the one composed largely of lime and the other of material containing silica, alumina and iron.

5. Portland cement can to some extent be … to suit a particular application.

6. Cement develops heat during …

7. Cement is the most important component of …

8. The most important quality of concrete is its property to be formed into large and strong …

9. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, … and water.

10. Cement is made of … and clay.

11. The process of hardening lasts for about twenty-eight days and is called …

12. Concrete may be divided into two classes: mass or plain concrete and … where it is necessary to introduce steel.


11. Civil Engineering

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


Civil Engineering is known to be an extremely broad professional field. It must make use of many different branches of knowledge, including mathematics, theory of structures, hydraulics, soil mechanics, surveying, hydrology, geology, economics and most recently a knowledge of computers. Civil engineering projects involve the physical, mathematical, earth, social, communications, and engineering sciences. They believe civil engineering problems to involve many other professional areas, including law, public health, economics, management, finance and other branches of engineering.

The scope and complexity of the field, and its degree of involvement with other fields, has increased rapidly with the development of modern science and technology and the growth of population and national economics. Taken as a whole, modern engineering constitutes a vital element of national industry which involves large numbers of people of various special interests and occupations.

Speaking about civil engineering we must properly use the words "construction" and "building". The term "construction" is supposed to be used to denote the erection and repair of all types of buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures.

The word "building" is mainly used in the sense of domestic dwellings, including houses and multistorey blocks of flats, schools, hospitals and office blocks, while "civil engineering" is used with reference to bridges, roads, harbours, water supply and hydroelectric schemes.

In our country civil engineers are trained at special higher schools and departments of the politechnical universities. Civil engineering is considered to be a very honourable and ancient profession.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


civil engineering – цивільне будівництво

hydraulics – гідравліка

soil mechanics – механіка грунтів

surveying – геодезія

hydrology – гідрологія

geology – геологія

science – наука

scope – обсяг

erection – спорудження, монтаж

repair – ремонт

road – дорога

domestic dwellings – житлові будівлі

multistory – багатоповерховий

blocks of flats – квартали квартир

bridge – міст


water supply – водопостачання

civil engineer – цивільний будівельник

honourableшанований, почесний


III. Read the 4th paragraph of the text and choose the correct answer:


What is the main meaning of the word "building"?

1. It means the calculation and design of all types of structures.

2. It is mainly used in the sense of domestic dwellings including houses, schools, hospitals, office blocks, etc.

3. It is mainly used in the sense of industrial buildings.

4. It is used with reference to bridges, roads, harbours, etc.


IV. Complete the sentences with the correct word or word combination and translate them:


alumina, buildings, property, "civil", cement, sciences, concrete, beam, complete mastery, shape, leather pads, compression

1. Plain concrete can be used for almost all kinds of …

2. Silica concrete is light, acid-proof and contains no …

3. Civil engineering projects involve the physical, mathematical, earth, social, communications, and engineering …

4. Roads, canals, railways, ports, harbours and bridges are supposed to be built then by engineers who called themselves … in contrast to military engineers.

5. High alumina cement is a material containing …

6. Durability is known to be a very elusive ….

7. A "would-be" bricklayer must practice handling a brick until he can control it with …

8. Bricklayer's thumb and the fingers must be protected with …

9. The … and convenient size of a brick enables a man to grip it with an easy confidence.

10. Prestressed … is not a new material.

11. Concrete is strong in … but weak when used for tensile stresses.

12. A … made of prestressed concrete is permanently under compression.


V. Watch the video:



What is Civil Engineering?



12. Construction Work

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


The buildings erected nowadays can be divided into two general classes: buildings or housing and industrial buildings.

As far as material is concerned buildings can be divided into brick, wood, concrete, and steel buildings. Brick is an artificial building material made of clay which is then burnt for hardening. Natural stone (rubble masonry) is used for footing and foundations for external walls carrying the load.

Buildings made of stone are durable and fire-resisting.

The floors divide a building into stories. They may be either of timber or, in brick buildings, of reinforced concrete details of big and small sizes.

The coverings or upper parts of buildings meant to keep out rain and wind and to preserve the interior from exposure to weather, are called roofs. They tie the walls and give the construction strength and firmness.

Every building must have a beautiful appearance. The interior should be planned to suit the requirements of the occupants while the exterior must be simple with nothing superfluous.

Every building should be provided with water, electricity, ventilation and heating systems. The water supply and sewerage systems are called plumbing.

Careful consideration must be given to the amount of money which is going to be spent in building the house. An estimate depending upon the design of the building must be calculated after which work on the building can be started.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


artificial – штучний

rubble masonry – будівельний камінь

footing – підошва, основа

foundation – фундамент

external walls – зовнішні стіни

carry the load – нести навантаження

fire-resisting – вогнетривкий

floor – підлога

stories – поверхи

timber – деревина

reinforced concrete – залізобетон

covering – покриття

exposure to weather – вплив погоди

roof – дах

to tie – з’єднувати

strength – міцність

firmness – стійкість

appearance – зовнішній вигляд

to suit the requirements – відповідати вимогам

occupants – мешканці

nothing superfluous – нічого зайвого

heating system – опалювальна система

water supply – водопостачання

sewerage system – каналізаційна система

plumbing – сантехніка, водопровід

estimate – кошторис


III. Choose the correct variant and complete the sentences


1. Artificial building materials are made ... (a) of wood, b) of brick).

2. Buildings made of stone are ... (a) indurable, b) durable).

3. The coverings or upper parts of the building are called ... (a) ceilings, b) roofs).

4. The exterior of a building must be ... (a) with superfluous decorations, b) simple).

5. The water supply and sewerage systems are called … (a) heating, b) plumbing).


IV. Complete the following sentences:


1. Building materials are divided into ... .

2. The interior should be planned to suit ... .

3. Every building should be provided with ... .

4. An estimate depending upon the design of the building must be calculated … .


V. Answer the following questions:

1. Into what groups can the buildings be divided as far as material is concerned?

2. Of what material are the buildings built?

3. How should the interior be planned?

4. In what way should the exterior be planned?

5. What should every building be provided with?

6. What must be calculated first of all?


VI. Watch the presentation : Construction Work



13. Parts of a Building

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


Almost everyone saw the construction of a building and followed its progress with interest.

First the excavation is dug for the basement, then the foundation walls below ground level are constructed; after this the framework is erected and clothed with, various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.

The part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework. It is intended for safety carrying the loads imposed. The floors, walls, roofs and other parts of the building must be carefully designed and proportioned.

The architect or designer must decide, what the size of the walls, the floors, the beams, the girders and the parts which make-up the framework will be and how they will be placed and arranged.

Here are the main parts of a building and their functions.

Foundations serve to keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil, to guard them against the action of frost to prevent them from sinking and settling which cause cracks in walls and uneven floors.

Floors divide the building into stories. They may be either of timber or of a fire-resisting material. Walls are built to enclose areas and carry the weight of floors and roofs. The walls may be solid or hollow. The materials used for the walls construction can be brick, stone, concrete and other natural or artificial materials.


II. Copy and learn the vocabulary:


construction – будівництво

dug – розкопка

basement – підвал

foundation walls – стіни фундаменту

below ground – під землею

framework – каркас

stability – стійкість

structure – споруда

carry the loads – нести навантаження

floor – підлога

wall – стіна

roof – дах

beam – балка

girder – перемичка

sinking – осідання

settling – просідання

crack – тріщина

uneven floors – нерівні підлоги

stories – поверхи

timber – деревина

to enclose areas – огороджувати простір

solid – суцільний

hollow – пустотілий


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is done first during the construction of a building?

2. What keeps the walls and floors from contact with the soil?

3. What are the floors for?

4. What do the walls of a building serve for?

5. Does the stability of a building depend on the framework?


IV. Complete the following sentences:


1. The excavation is dug ... .

2. The stability of the structure depends upon … .

3.The building is divided into stories by … .

4. The main parts of a building are ... .


V. Translate the word combinations from English into Ukrainian:


several coat of paint; stability of the structure; size of the walls; to keep the floors from contact with the soil; fire-resisting materials; natural and artificial materials.


VI. Complete the sentences with the correct word or word combination and translate them:


stories, foundations, fire-resisting, brick, roofs, superfluous, concrete, concrete curing, aggregate, limestone

1. Buildings made of stone are durable and .

2. The floors divide a building into.

3. The coverings or upper parts of buildings meant to keep out rain and wind and to preserve the interior from exposure of weather are called.

4. The exterior must be simple with nothing .

5. Artificial building materials are made of ... .

6. …  serve to keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil.

7. Cement is the most important component of .

8. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, … and water.

9. Cement is made of … and clay.

10. The process of hardening lasts for about twenty-eight days and is called .


VII. Watch the presentation: Parts of a Building


14. Art of Building

I. Read and translate the text in a written form:


The first houses were built for the purpose of protecting their owners from the weather and, therefore, were very simple – a roof to keep off the rain or snow, and walls to keep out the wind.

The buildings erected now can be divided into two broad classifications: they are either for housing or for industrial purpose.

As far as the material is concerned, the building can be divided into stone (or brick), wood and concrete types. The brick is an artificial material made of clay then burnt to harden it. The natural stone (rubble masonry) is used for footing and foundations for external walls carrying the load. The buildings made of stone or brick are durable, fire-proof and have poor heat conductivity.

The tiers or levels which divide a building into stages or stories are called floors. These may be of timber but in stone buildings they are made of ferro-concrete details in great and small sizes.

The coverings or upper parts of buildings constructed over to keep out rain and wind and to preserve the interior from exposure to the weather, are called roofs. These should tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the construction.

Every building must be beautiful in appearance and proportional in various parts. The interior should be planned to suit the requirements of the occupants while the exterior must be simple without any excesses.

Any building should be provided with water, electricity, ventilation and heating system.

Getting water into the house is called plumbing. The plumbers have also to get the water out after it has been used. The first part of this problem is called water supply and the second one is called drainage or sewerage.


II. Complete the following sentences:


1. The upper part of building is … .

2. The exterior must be … .

3. The building is divided into stories by … .

4. Every building should be provided with … .

5. Building materials are divided into … .


III. Match the words to make word combinations and translate them:


heating                   wall

upper                      part

carry                      stone

water                     curing

concrete                 system

crushed                  supply

retaining                the load


IV. Translate the words from English into Ukrainian:


Lap, partition, framework, basement, refuse, storey, floor, alumina, ferro-concrete, sand, lime gravel, mortar, brick, timber, stone, glass, screenings.


V. Complete the sentences with the correct words and translate them:


Clay, durable, plumbing, cement, limestone, aggregate


1. The water supply and sewerage system are called … .

2. Buildings made of stone are ...

3. Cement is made of … and clay.

4. Silica concrete is light, acid-proof and contains no … .

5. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, … and water.




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